PARA Template for your Second Brain in Tana
If you want to use Tiago Forte's proven PARA methodology in Tana, this template is for you.
Connect your projects to the goals you have in life areas - and supplement them with tighly linked resources.
If you're interested in an all-in-one productivity and note-taking template, check out Tanarian Brain. Feel free to check out this stand-alone PARA template below, but if you want a complete productivity setup that includes GTD® processes, time planning, and more, I highly recommend checking out Tanarian Brain.
Put some PARA in your Tana
Use Tiago Forte's proven methodology to organize your life and work. Projects, Areas, Resources, and Archives fully implemented in a simple template.

This template comes with a full implementation of the major components of Tiago Forte's P.A.R.A. system:
Projects serve a goal, can have a due date, and contain tasks.
Areas contain goals - and a dashboard that shows you all the projects that serve each goal.
Resources collect your topics of interest and connect them to each other.
Archives are implemented in the native Tana way: with powerful live searches.

Get This Template for Free

Like most of my work on Tana, this template for using PARA in Tana is 100% free, and I don't require your email for it.
BUT, if you want to get the most out of Tana, I highly recommend joining my Tana Tips newsletter by entering your email below.
Afterwards, you'll be immediately sent to the template, and I'll also email you a link of all my other free templates (cycle-planning, for example) as well.
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