Knowledge Management
An Introduction to AI Knowledge Management
AI knowledge management: Streamline content creation, enhance user experiences, and empower smarter decision-making with AI tools.

Insights from Tana's first Reddit AMA
Whether you're using Tana, Notion, or any other tool to manage knowledge and collaborate – that's the one thing you want to avoid.

Knowledge Management
Avoid High Modernist Design in your Knowledge Base
Whether you're using Tana, Notion, or any other tool to manage knowledge and collaborate – that's the one thing you want to avoid.

NASA's ADLR Framework for Lessons Learned
How NASA structures their lessons learned and how you can implement this for yourself

How to create an Alias in Tana
A quick step-by-step guide for setting aliases in Tana

You're a Computer Athlete
You're likely a professional computer user – you should behave like the athlete that you are

Using Tana's Supertags with Search
Learn how to use Tana's supertags with live searches and create amazing workflows.

Learn how to use Supertags in Tana
Understand the basics of how to use Tana's supertags.

Using Tana's Live Search Feature
Learn how to use Tana's live searches.

Get oriented in Tana's UI
Get started with Tana by exploring its main UI and navigation features.

Everything is a Node in Tana
Learn how to use Tana's nodes.

Data About Nodes - Fields and Tags in Tana
Learn how to leverage Tana's fields and tags to record data about individual nodes.

New Time Units for Higher Productivity
Our common measures of time never worked for me for time management. So I invented my own.

Attention Design
The Input Channel Audit
A quick How To guide for shaping your information diet

Attention Design
Develop Strong Criteria for Input Triage
'How in the world. You need less Twitter in your life.' I had, again, discarded my guard rails of attention design and failed at input triage.

Knowledge Ops
The Seven Questions At The Heart Of Knowledge Ops
Personal Knowledge Management is too restrictive – you want to think about all seven of these questions instead.

Knowledge Ops
The Grazing – Feeding Model of Information Gathering
On the Internet, information is limitless. The Grazing-Feeding Model of Information Gathering helps you know how you're engaging with that information.

Sadly, Constraints Are Real
For the last 15 years I've ignored one fundamental truth: real constraints exist. Here's what I'm trying now.

Algorithm of Thought
Adversarial Reading
Bullshit is everywhere, and these algorithms of thought help you do more adversarial reading.

How to improve a process
With taking notes as an example, let's talk about how to improve any process.

Don't Fiddle With Your Note-Taking System
You should stick to one note-taking system and fiddle with it as little as possible. That's a myth.

Peer Review
Get Rid of Peer Review and Academic Journals
Why to get rid of peer review and academic journals as we know them – and possibly what to do instead.

You Actually Need to Context Switch
Common wisdom says that you need to avoid context switching. That's only half true – sometimes you need to context switch.

How to Context Switch Like a Pro
Context switching is unavoidable – but you can make it less costly by combining a couple of simple strategies.

A Tale of Two Biases: How To Read The News
Counter two frequent biases while reading the news: Selection Bias and Description Bias.

Interstitial Journaling
How to use Roam Research for Interstitial Journaling
Interstitial Journaling is a great technique for minimizing context switching costs and staying productive. Here's how I use it in Roam Reserch.

Academic Workflow
Why You Should Pick Zotero As A Reference Manager
A guide to reference managers, what you should expect from them and why Zotero is the reference manager you should use - whether you're in academia or not.

Behavior First, Theory Second
Behavior and Theory are two heuristics that can help you in deciding between courses and teachers.

Algorithm of Thought
True Algorithms of Thought Have Arrived
Can you imagine being able to transfer 'mental software' between people? It's now possible, by using Algorithms of Thought in Roam Research.

Programming Attention
The Power of Keystone Habits with Roam Research
How to use Roam Research as your keystone habit to regularly revisit writing that is important to you, using the ∆ feature in Roam.

Academic Workflow
Zotero and Roam Research
A guide for using Roam Research together with Zotero to get the most out of your citation metadata.

Spaced Repetition
A short (preliminary) guide to Spaced Repetition in Roam Research
How to use Roam Research's new Delta feature to do Spaced Repetition and never forget anything again.

My grandfather's research technique - Index, Proto-Zettelkasten, Paper
My grandfather's way of doing history research before the computer age. Using paper and a meticulous process, he built something close to a Zettelkasten.

How to cure Highlight Dementia
How to make sure that you never lose insights when reading and highlighting. Because Highlight Dementia is completely preventable.

Actor's Concepts and Inventing Discovery
How discovery became an actor's concept - and what you can use that for. Can you play chess without knowing that you are doing so?

Getting Started with Algorithms of Thought
An introduction to Algorithms of Thought - how they differ from Mental Models and how to use them in Roam Research.

Universal-X - Of Polymaths and other fantastic creatures
There are words you can't use to describe yourself without sounding like an utter ass. Imagine asking someone at a party who they are and they respond with 'Nice to meet you, I'm a brilliant photographer/physicist/writer' - instant, life-long friends you'll be, no?

Algorithm of Thought
The Right to Disagree
Contrary to popular belief, you can't just disagree with someone because you feel like it. You have to __earn__ the right to disagree with someone's position.

Roam Research
A Gruvbox Theme for Roam Research
How to create a Gruvbox-style color theme for Roam Research using Roam's built-in CSS capabilities.
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